Tuesday, September 23, 2008


While incredibly inspiring...Maniates has failed to understand the very argument on which he stands: WE ARE AMERICANS. That means we are CONSUMERS, CAPITALISTS, and very much happy with this way of life. Yes we will stand up as Americans and fight, Yes we will come together in our time of need, No we will not give up shopping malls. If ridding America of English influence meant tossing away the bible, Paul Revere never would have said a word. And that's what Maniates is asking of Americans; consumerism is a faith, a religion. You cannot expect them/us/whomever to give up their way of life, move backwards, but you can tell them how to move forward.

It's not that lowering gas emissions by 80% or a decreased consumer agenda is too hard for the American People, it's just too unrealistic. People won't do it. And I put our government above thinking that we're too dumb to handle adult environmental concepts, they just know that it would start a riot at this stage. Baby steps.

What exactly would happen if we decreased emissions by 80% within the next couple of years? Maniates states that we have a moral responsibility to urge China and India (Both of which are US competitors) to do the same. Well while we're busy spending millions on better technologies that lower emissions and giving them the guilt trip, they'll be making consumer goods at a lot lower cost, pumping out carbon emissions like there's no tomorrow. We'll be out of the race in no time and then it won't matter what American's do, because half of us will be out of jobs and unable to afford electric anyway. That might sound extreme but there are economic risks to going green as well. It's a terrible thought, but it's realistic. And "ten easy steps to saving the planet" is a lot more appealing/likely than "put down your ipod, wear last years Tory Burchs, bike the 8 miles to work, stop shaving your legs, and hug a tree."

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